You connected with me on LinkedIn. We've never met before. You are married. You are probably younger than me. You served in the Israeli army in a special combat unit. In the picture you are smiling.
You don't care about me. You are strong. You don't need me. You are competent. You are confident. You wield your power as you wish, without being concerned with what other people think of you. You are cocky. You're better than me because you've succeeded in getting married younger than me.
I feel sad, crummy. I judge myself to be small in comparison to you, which makes me feel embarrassed.
I want to feel equal to you. I want you to see me eye to eye.
Since I've never met you, I can't expect you to see me eye to eye. But I can see you eye to eye, so to speak, by doing the ownership piece below. I can also sit with these crummy feelings and let them fester. I have a choice.
I'm strong - I have immense power in my speech, in my deeds. I can wield my power as I choose.
I am competent - I've accomplished a lot.
I need not be concerned with what other people think of me. I can take other people's well-being into account, but do what I want to do.
I often don't feel confident in what I do. I don't often see my gold. But I should. And right now I'll acknowledge it - I brought JiM to Israel, which was a blessing for many men. In my work life I've made major accomplishments, having delighted and educated thousands of people. I am sensitive, and have been a great person to talk to for many.
I've had difficulty with relationships. And I'm doing my work to get there.
I am strong and competent like you. I am a free man, just like you. I have the capacity to create children, just like you.